Here is a list of all of the programs that I am either running or involved in. We are looking for financial support and volunteers to help keep these programs running. Hopefully the Lord will speak to you about joining our teams as we Go and Preach the Gospel.
Elderly Art Days
Every third Thursday of every month I take a small team of volunteers to do art with the elderly from 10am to 11am. We administer these classes at The Forum Memorial. The population that we work with at this location all have forms of dementia or alzheimer's.
Mentoring thru Dance
We love to pass on our gifts to the next generation. Do you know a child that could benefit from breakdance or Hip Hop dance classes? In this program kids learn the foundation to different styles of street dance and the discipline that it takes to master these styles. Our kid groups have then performed in public places to develop their confidence in team camaraderie and in themselves.
Human Trafficking
I have been taking teams to Freedom Place, a safe house for girls that have been rescued from human trafficking, for the past two years. We have served the girls with residencies in art and dance. Close to the end of 2014 I began to bring in more spiritual cleansing programs. The last two visits, God was doing some amazing healing in many of the young girls hearts. For 2015 we are looking to do weekly dance classes and monthly worship services.
Detention Center Dancing
I have focused on serving the Fort Bend Juvenile Detention Center for the past 4 years. Programs I have implemented range from dance residencies, to art classes, and studio recording sessions. Myself and the volunteers I coordinate get the opportunities to work with the boys and the girls. We have also brought in full fledged performances and choreographed for their Christmas programs.
Motivational Speaking
Since 1995, I have been traveling to schools, detention centers, other states, and over 20 countries. During the past 20 years, I have developed show material that is academically relevant to students and culturally relevant to other countries. My target audience has been primarily title one schools and similar populations who may not have the funding for extra curricular programming.
Treasure Hunts
Word of Knowledge training for churches, youth groups, or anyone interested in walking in power evangelism. I lead the whole training and do impartation with everyone in closing. Then the group is realeased to go Treasure Hunting for a few hours in groups. Everyone returns back to our starting point and shares their testimonies. We have seen many miracles, healings, and salvations through these trainings.
Studio Recording
The studio recording program has worked really well in detention centers and foster care facilities. I have found many young teens who say they write poetry or even rap music, but have never had the opportunity to record their work. Well, I bring all the equipment needed for us to set up a mobile studio right where they are. After steering them in the direction of writing positive raps and heart felt poems they get to step up to the mic and record. With my equipment, I am able to burn a copy of their work on a cd right there...
Teen Night Events
As a youth Pastor in 2007-2009 I learned that events, outings, and concerts were always great opportunities to gather many teens at once. The intensity of the performances, fun of the games being played, and just the fellowship of teens all together would make for a great experience each and every time. We have seen much fruit come into the Kingdom of God through these events. I love putting together city wide teen events for the youth to receive ministry and also get trained up in releasing ministry.
Community Art Projects
When people have fundraisers or special gatherings I have brought out community art projects to have an activity that draws crowds to a certain area. As you can see pictured here, this was a table that was painted white and outlined in black paint. People were welcomed to color in a certain area of the design using paint and brush. After the art was completed, I painted the table with a few clear coats. This is great for festivals.
Youth Outings
My wife and I believe our target audience is teens. Join us as we love to gather teens for pizza parties, movie trips, paint ball outings, etc. Every trip usually contains a relevant teaching pertaining to our destination of choice. We love to pray hard and play just as hard.
Creative Street Evangelism
Yes, that's right, Creative Evangelism. Wanna get a message out to the public in a creative way? Let me work with you and your group to develop a creative, out of the box, way to do it. In this picture we took to the streets with John 3:16 written on posters and spread out down the feeder of hwy 290. People were pulling over to talk to us and receive prayer.
Discipleship & Spiritual Training
Every Wednesday night in my home, we gather at what we call The Grow Gathering. In these gatherings we train in our spiritual gifts, learn God's word, and fellowship with our church family. In the picture here, teens are learning how to hear the voice of God and prophesy blind folded over the person in front of them. By the way, they don't know who is in front of them and everytime have been more than 90% accurate.
School Assemblies
Be You, The Mathematics of Hip Hop, Just Say Never, and The STAAR Test Motivational Assembly. These are all names of the school assemblies we have done for the past 20 years. With an audience limit of 450 students per show, we have easily performed for over over 1,000,000 students. When I say We, I am talking about the performance company I own called URGEWORKS. Book and assembly now.
Pulpit Preaching
Outreaches from 1998 to 2006, Youth Pastoring from 2007 to 2009, and Senior Pastor from 2010 to 2015. The pulpit is not a foreign object to me. Funding to my ministry allows me to travel as an evangelist to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without churches having to cover an honorarium.